Classic Lawns

Lawn Mowing Reducer Treatment

A Lawn Mowing Reducer Treatment?  It sounds too good to be true, but it is not!  Classic Lawns can reduce the amount of mowing you have to do.   Not only does our Lawn Mowing Reducer Treatment cut down on your mowing, it actually makes your grass greener and healthier!  Sign up today and spend more time enjoying your lawn and less time mowing it!

Lawn Mowing Reducer TreatmentSpend Less Time Behind Your Mower

Classic Lawns Lawn Mowing Reducer Treatment is a plant growth regulator.  It redirects the grass’ energy from the shoots to the roots!  Basically, it promotes root growth and not top growth. This not only saves you time, but also benefits the health of your turf!  Once applied the mowing reducer DOES NOT have to be watered in and is rain-fast within 30 minutes!

We Apply In Spring

Classic Lawns applies the Lawn Mowing Reducer Treatment in Late April- Early May.  It lasts about 4-6 weeks and will reduce your mowing from once every 3-5 days to once every 7-10 days.  Plus, it greatly reduces the amount of clippings!  We can also apply again in the early Fall when grass starts growing fast after the summer heat.

Turf Building

Darker Green Grass & Other Benefits

The Lawn Mowing Reducer Treatment promotes root growth, so your lawn gets stronger roots.  Stronger roots means better heat and drought tolerance.  Plus, stronger roots means your lawn is less susceptible to disease.  An even better benefit is all that redirected energy gives you a darker green lawn. So our Turf Builder and Lawn Mowing Reducer Treatment gives you:

  • Darker Green Grass
  • Stronger Roots
  • Better Heat & Drought Tolerance
  • Less Clippings
  • Less Bagging
  • Less Chance For Diseases
  • More Time For YouLawn Mowing Reducer Treatment

So if you are tired of mowing every 3 days, sign up for our Lawn Mowing Reducer Treatment and spend more time enjoying your lawn and less time mowing it!  Call us before the crazy mowing season gets started!