Core Aeration! The Best “Extra” For Your Lawn!

core aeration

Core Aeration! The Best “Extra” For Your Lawn!

A core aeration is one of the best things you can do for your lawn. It makes a huge difference in your lawns color, health and ability to handle stress!  We highly recommend that our customers core aerate their lawns once a year.   We recommend core aerating in the spring or the fall.  Most of our customers core aerate in the fall because after you core aerate in the fall it is a great time to seed!

A core aeration is the process of removing cores 1/2” in diameter and 2”-3” long from the lawn. This process helps loosen clay, compacted soils, aids in controlling thatch and allows air, water, and nutrients to reach the root system easier.  Another great benefit of core aeration is the reduction of thatch in your lawn.  Thatch is a layer of living and decomposing stems and roots.  All grass has some thatch.  A 1/4″ or so of thatch is good.  It helps hold in moisture and protects the lawns roots.  However, when thatch gets excessive (over 1/2″), the thatch starts acting like a sponge keeping water nutrients and fertilizer treatments from to getting to the roots.  As a result, the roots start thinning out and dying causing your lawn to thin out and possibly die off as well.   The dirt plugs that we pull as we core aerate your lawn contain enzymes and micro-bacteria that “eat” thatch as the soil works its way back through the thatch layer.

When ClassicLawns core aerates you are doing one of the absolute best things you can do for your lawn!

When you Core Aerate your lawn you get:

  • A thicker lawn!
  • Better color!
  • Less disease!
  • Fewer insect problems!
  • Less Thactch

Ideally, lawns should be aerated at least once a year.  There are all kinds of things that cause your soil to get compacted throughout the year.  Just some of these things are: heavy rains, mowing, drought conditions, heavy foot traffic from kids playing in the lawn are just a few of the things that compact your soil during the growing.

Call ClassicLawns today to add a core aeration to your lawn program!!